Thursday, September 4, 2014

Little hooked mat

I hooked this little 8 1/2" square mat up last night. I know it's just the beginning of September, but I just can't help it! I love making things with pumpkins!

I've got some stitcher, and rug hooking friends coming over this evening, so maybe I'll get it bound! It's not on the website yet, but hopefully will be soon! In the meantime, you know how to reach me if you need the pattern!

If I can dig out my little fall quilts, I'll snap a new photo and post them soon, they look so much nicer close up, than on the website! Plus, it is time to get them out, right?

Have a great evening, and watch for the next installment of the sew along!!





  1. That is a cute piece, love cats and pumpkins.


  2. Doesn't just knowing fall is right around the corner just put you in the mood?? Love it!

    1. It sure does! I may go get some mums tomorrow, and find all my fall quilts and rugs too!

  3. I've never hooked anything but would love to start with this. (I have three kitties. Two are black and one is orange, named Pumpkin!!). How do I start? Thanks.
