Good morning stitching friends!
Last week my Sisters and I went to Quilt Festival in Chicago! We had a great time, met a lot of wonderful quilters, and worked out booth. Gretchen and I gave demonstrations on Rug Hooking, and Punch needle embroidery! It was a lot of fun, and I especially love roaming the isles, looking at all the beautiful quilts! I found some really pretty fabrics and patterns that are completely out of my comfort zone! But you know, now that I have little Henley in my life, all of the sudden, I'm wanting to make things she will love! Haha! This leads me to the title of my blog......What does your stash look like? Mine looks like this......

This isn't all of it, but as you can see, there isn't much contrast and there aren't bright and colorful fabrics! So you see, I really need to feed my fabric stash! One of these days I'll finish organizing my fabric and get it all folded nicely. My wonderful hubby built me a wonderful sewing room above our garage a year ago, and at first I was hog wild on re-folding my fabric.....then I just wanted to sew!
This is a little fun rolling cart I found to hold most of my scraps that I have organized by light and dark. I also trimmed them all to about 2 1/2" strips. When I want to just play and creat something, I pull it close to my machine and go! The shelves behind, hold fat quarters, and larger, that are too small to fold onto the comic boards for the larger shelves. Nice and handy!
Today, while my stitching group is with me, I plan on working on another idea for the #mystashmystyle contest! What will you be working on! Remember to follow on Instagram! And don't forget to check out what Tonya Alexander has made!
Hurry and get those projects made and share them with us on Facebook or Instagram! If you don't do social media, email them to me at, and I will post them for you! Just one project will enter you in the contest!
If you need a refresher on the details of the contest, go here......
Have a wonderful day!!!