Look what I made last night and finished this morning! Yay! It was so much fun too! The pattern is from "Crazy at Home" by Jo Ann Mullaly! We have her books at the shop, although they aren't on the website yet! But if you want one we can take care of it for you! They are about $25.00 if I remember correctly! I had fun going through my scraps and playing with it while my sister Sally made beautiful earrings! The Woolen Willow is closed today, so I'm playing as much as I can this week. I'll post pictures of what I get done, all except for the quilt I'm making for the first issue of Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine! Here is my little bag.......
Here is my new Snowman Quilt called "Snow Time!" It was made for small quilts club and kits also for the shop and website! The kit is only $18.00! We only had two make it to club because of the weather, so we are going to have the club meet again the Friday after New Years! Looks like we will have to make a few more kits, they are dissapearing!
also Chelsea, who works at the shop is learning how to piece a quilt! She is doing wonderful! I will post a picture of her too! She is a sweetie! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! I have a houseful again this year, and love it so much! There are a few pictures of our shop Christmas Party and my Family Christmas party, both were held at my house! Enjoy! Jeni
This is just a little sneak peak at the project for Small Quilts club on Friday! Little blocks are snowballs, and the applique is wool! I hope to get it quilted tonight, so I can finish getting ready for Open Craft night at my house tomorrow night! A few other pictures also!
Thanks for looking!
This is a rughooking class I had on Saturday! All out of town ladies! They all drove about 2 hours to come to the shop! It was fun!
This is a picture of a wonderful gift I recieved from my Secret Santa! It is a Wool Crazy pincushion, cute ornament made from an old spool, fat quarters I didn't own already! Ha! Also pretty Christmas colored floss, a nice little note pad for my purse and a really neat Christmas pattern by Lynda Hall of Primitive pieces by Lynda! Thank you Sandy!!! The second picture is of my daughter Kristen's kitten's playing with a strip of wool!
Hi everyone! I'm doing a give away on Primitivequiltsandprojects.blogspot.com!!! Go on over and join in to get in the drawing!!! Here is a picture of the little kit!!!! Have fun and good luck!!! Jeni
Hello! Just wanted to share some free ornament patterns! Judy is posting them over on our Magazine blog... primitivequiltsandprojects.blogspot.com They are fun and easy and look great on a tree or present!!! Have fun making them!! Here is a picture of one of them!
Thanksgiving is over and I had a few days off from the shop! I have been working on a Secret Santa gift for a lady on an online group I belong to! I was done, and then I thought to myself, "Self? what am I going to do for a card?" And then it hit me! I went to the store and got some blank cards, and started playing with my wool and cotton scraps! Here is what I have so far! The second picture is my daughter Kristen's little 6 week old kitty "Pea" sleeping in front of the fire! She loves it there! I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving! If you go over to the Primitive Quilts and Projects Magazine blog.....primitivequiltsandprojects.blogspot.com, Judy is giving away Calendars and we also have free projects to download! The first two projects are Christmas ornaments I designed for our quilt shop! There will be something new each week!! Anyone ready to start decorating for Christmas??? I am!!! I'll try to post some pictures once I start!!!
This is our project for tomorrow at Small Quilts Club! Fun and quick! I had a ball making it and wanted to hand quilt it, being so small, but my quilting finger is wounded from quilting the Perfectly Perched quilt! LOL! So I did it on the long arm this afternoon! After class, I will grunge it up a bit!! Have a great day!!!
Here are a few pictures from our fun at market! The dancing pictures are at the Moda party! The first one is of Me(left) Gretchen(middle) and Judy(right) the first morning at Market! Before the feet were tired and the bags full! Lol!
This one is Gretchen, two ladies we met just then, and Judy walking to the Moda party! Funny thing was that the lady next to Judy told us she was from California but was born in Pittsburgh at the Magee Women and Childrens Hospital, the same place Judy and I were born! Small world! We laughed all the way to the party!
This is at the Moda Party with our fabric rep Mark! Moda invites it's shop owners to a nice party and treats them to a great meal and entertainment! They had a really good band, and it was in a large box at the Minute Maid stadium! Lots of people got up and danced!
Judy, Me and Gretchen!
Thats Jude in the middle of that crowd of dancin people with the red sweater on! Too much fun!
Judy striking a pose! The nice Asian man behind her was a lot of fun! He loved to dance!!
A very fun group of Asian friends at the table next to us! They loved to dance!
Shop owners sitting at our table! Fun ladies! While we were dancing the lady in Blue grabbed my camera off the table and came out to take pictures of us!
Gretchen striking a pose!!! Did I say the band was great? They were! They started out with country music and only had a few people get up to dance. Then they started playing "She's a Brick House" and everyone got up! LOL! Needless to say, they stayed with songs from the 70's and 80's after that! LOL! It's a really nice thing that Moda does. Us shop owners really need to get out and loosen up after all the long days we put in at our shops! It's pretty darn stressful sometimes, and to have one of your fabric companies treat you like royalty and throw a party for you is really great! They really know how to show appreciation! Mr. Moda himself was there, and we made sure to shake his hand and thank him! He is a snappy dresser and really very nice!
We are on our way home now! The trip was successful! We found great designers for "Primitive Quilts and Projects" magazine, and great fabric, books, patterns and gadgets for the shop! Yay! We had trouble getting online in the Hilton for some reason, so I will post the pictures when we get home! I've got great shots of Gretch and Judy cutting the rug at the Moda party! Lol! Talk to ya later once we are home!!!!
Here is the view from our room at the Hilton, which attached to the convention center! We are on our way over to the convention now! Tonight is Sample Spree!
We are on our way! Judy, Gretchen and I are at the Columbus Ohio airport waiting to board! Yippee! I'll try to post the first picture of Judy and Gretch!
Yesterday I dyed 36 yards of wool at the shop! Today another 24 yards! Wooo hooo! The shelves were not looking so hot, but now they are getting full again! The top picture is of the pre-cut strips that Dad cut today to hang on the rack. They are full fat quarters all pre-cut! The second picture is a stack of some of the pretty wools, and the third picture is of a pot of pumpkin colored wool stewing! Hot and steamy in the kitchen, but fun!
We approved the final layout of the calendars today, and they are being printed as we speak! So if you would like a beautiful new calendar for 2011 order now! We have over 12 pictures of small quilts and hooked rugs inside! Very exciting! They will make great gifts also!!!
Friday Finish!
I hope this post finds you all well and not affected by all of the storms
and fires that seem to be taking over the country. We have had some rain,
Civil War Mini Quilt Sew Along - Block #4
Here's Block # 4 for my Civil War Mini Quilt sew along - Friendship Star
You'll find the instructions in my Facebook group files or on my website.
Rainbow quilt progress, and Spring!
Rainbow quilts!!! I love all the colors of the rainbow. So far this year,
we have used yellow, blue and pink. So, this is where I am on my quilt.
~ Happy Thursday Photo dump ~
Good Morning Friends & Folk!
...and a very happy chilly sunny kinda-windy March Thursday to us all!
just cleaning a few photos out of my phone...
we fe...
KT February Special
KT Fat Quarter 8-Pack Bundles
January is a good time to organize, edit & clean your sewing space. You can
see what you have, what needs to be finished and...
Countdown to Christmas
How to Manage Your Time Like a Pro Quilter: Christmas Countdown Edition The
holiday season is here, and if you’re like me, you’ve got a list of quilted
I'm working on many different things....
I've had people ask me why I jump from one thing to another all the
time....Well, the answer is simple...
I have ADHD ...I get bored with things so easil...
Sunrise Side Quilts
I've had great fun making the quilts for the Sunrise Side collection (and
thank you Leigh Ann for making one too!) Here they are....
Eccentricity i...
Flying in Circles
Flying in Circles...
A quilt I designed and started way back in 2005.
Needle turn applique using
vintage Brannock and Patek fabrics.
I finally got ar...
The "Sisters" are back
Hi everyone, we’re back, well at least for occasional postings. I am Clare
Cross, one of the Secret Sewing Sisters, and thought you might like to see
Crazy Seasons Mystery Quilt block 5!
Good morning!
It's time again for a new block on this fun adventure! I am loving seeing
everyone's beautiful work on the Facebook group for this project! I...
It's a foggy day.....and snow is coming!!!
Hello sweet ladies..........it was so nice to hear from so many on you!!!!
So here I am back on the and farm.....living my
Feeling Splendid
Hello Quilters! This week's block is Betty's Bloom from Carl Hentsch and it
has us paper piecing again. This block went a lot more smoothly than the
Gingerbread birds and butter brickle
I made these gingerbread birds this past week from an antique cookie board
I purchased last year. I can't even begin to tell you how much it
Wow...I haven't posted on this blog in such a long time....I thought I
would share my Fall/Halloween rugs with you all...
They're all listed in my Etsy Sho...
Up To No Good
I have been pushing buttons at Sew Graceful Quilting out of Arkansas.....
I discovered this shop through Instagram. This is a photo from their blog.
Stephen King! Oh.Oh.Oh!
Stephen King was in town yesterday! In the lovely town of Sewickley, Pa, I
might add.
He was visiting to promote his new book. The event, sponsored by ...
i should have...
I should have started this quilt for my daughter the day she as born!
My daughter has made countless trips to the quilt shop with me in her first
This is a picture of Lilly that just seems to say
So I will start with that and again SERIOUSLY
I have not posted on my blog since March...
The Sewing Bowl
I have this wooden bowl in my sewing room that holds some of my favorite
And old pair of scissors, red and white ribbon, an old heart that I cross...
Sewing Weekend!
~Ironing my lemonade layer cake quilt~
First time quilting a quilt of my own on the long arm, I just have to learn
to relax!
Pinning the entire quil...
simply red and green.....
sharing with you three little simple red and green quilts....all made with
2" squares....with a couple exceptions.
Quilt 1 ~
Quilt 2 ~
Quilt 3 ~
Does absence make the heart grow fonder?
I've been missing in action!
With no real excuse!
Other than busy, busy, busy!
Did you miss me?
Life has a habit of plowing along at full steam,
even w...
Expendables : Unité Spéciale (2010)
Presse Expendables : Unité Spéciale en vidéo HDMaintenant, vous pouvez voir
Expendables : Unité Spéciale en Qualité HD avec une durée 105 Min et a été
My Word for 2015
I know I am a little late to this party...and I'm certain that most of you
are looking at your screens in a state of shock...yes it's been a really
long ti...
Scarecrows, Snowmen and Santas
A few dolls available in my etsy
shop, https://www.etsy.com/shop/YankeeRidgePrimitive?section_id=10875284&ref=shopsection_leftnav_2
The scarecrows have be...
Facebook Giveaway!!!
I said a while back, if Ta Da Quilting Facebook page hit 100 likes, I'd
have a giveaway.
Thanks to all of you who are following me, it now over 100 likes...
Millstone will be closed the week of
June 23rd....for a working
I will be busy packing and
loading for our journey to:
It's Happening............
New Patterns - are finally here!
One can only wonder why a quilt called Spring Bloomers doesn't have pieced
and/or appliqued flowers in it.....but that...
store closing Sale Reminder
[image: Good Wives angel]
*Good Wives Co.*
*will be open*
*Friday, January 31*
*Saturday, February 1*...
Bowling in Slovenia
Want to spend an active night? Then we recommend you visit the bowling.
Bowling is the perfect game for fun. It is suitable for entertainment or
for celebr...
Jack's Treats
I will be teaching my last class at The Country Loft on Saturday,
September 14th....There are two sessions and I think there are still a few
Prairie Schooler Santas
Let me just say, I love July!
July 4th is one of my favorite holidays - I love being at ball games and
hearing the National Anthem being played this month...
Auction's Up
This link should take you to my seller profile, which should let you see
all the items that are up for auction. "Should" being the operative word.
It's the Little Things
*Yesterday it was my birthday. *
*I hung one more year on the line.*
*I ain't worrying. *
*And I ain't scurrying. *
*I'm just having a good time.*
*~Paul Sim...
A New Beginning
Simply put, this is my wish for the New Year. The outgoing one was riddled
with far too much violence and soul-crushing sadness. May we all come
Farmhouse Christmas Update ~
Welcome Friends ~
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!
Here are a few, one of a kind offerings by me ~
If you'd like to make a purchase,
you may ema...
Kicking It Up A Notch
While at Quilt Market this past week I came across Sue Spargo's new book,
Creative Stitches. My first thought was "BINGO!" Finally, a book that takes
my ...
Is it ever too late?
Hello Folksies
Long time, no see. Or hear. Or whatever. I have been so erstwhile this
year. Fancy word for being formerly occupied. OCCUPIED? No, not...
Closing: Come Follow My NEW Blog
It's that time, folks. I've consolidated both of my web sites, Hannah's
PinKeep and Autumn Comforts, and given them a new name. I hope you'll all
visit my ...
We Have Moved - New Blogs and Website
I am delighted to announce the launch of our new website and my new blog.
Visit - Sue's blog at www.suespargo.com/weblog2
Kelly's sto...
Are You Looking for Acorn's Promise?
In Your Bonnet Quilts is now Kerry Stitch Designs. The Acorn's Promise
quilt pattern is available in my new Etsy shop at
My Hubby Has An Addiction!!
. . . . . .to candles that is!!
Whenever we go to a prim shop, he's always heading over to the candle
section and picking them up to smell. (Yes, ladies, ...
April Showers
Bring May flowers and a Robin or two! Announcing my new pattern. A sweet
and somewhat realistic Robin.
About us
We accept sponsored advertising, paid post and sponsored links on this blog.
We write genuine paid and free reviews that are true to our knowledge.
Even t...
Not only is our shop filled with antiques, dolls, bears, collectables and
a wide variety of hand made items we also have an area where we offer wool