I haven't given my quilt a name yet, but it is full of things that I like, such as flowers, which I have many of, in my yard and at the shop. I haven't done the best job of caring for them this summer with the heat, but they are still pretty, although dying off for the season. I love stars, and remember learning about them in school, and laying down in our front yard in high school with my constellation sheet, looking up in the sky trying to find them all. I love butterflies. In my flower beds, I have a beautiful plant that the butterflies just love! It's called Purple Lustrife. It was banned because it was growing in wetlands and taking over. It must have been re-propagated, because you can find them now, and they stay in one place, and just bloom and grow so full and beautiful! I would bet we get two people a day during the beginning of summer that come in the shop and ask what they are! Maybe I'll try to do a block with a purple Lustrife! I have a beeskep as a block, not that I absolutely love bees, but they are a part of what make gardens beautiful! Since I was stung a lot as a young girl, I'm not so much afraid of them, but I don't really like them swarming around me either! Lol! I love sheep of course! They give us wonderful wool to work with, and also, the lamb is a symbol of Jesus, and sheep are the symbol of his flock. I love birds, all birds! When was pregnant with my son, I had to sit with my feet up a lot. We had a huge picture window in that first house, and across the street was a huge tree! I don't remember what kind of tree it was, but I remember the wood peckers! They worked hard in that tree! Robins are

a favorite, especially when the females are so big in the spring ready to lay their eggs! We had a nest out in our pear tree this year again, and I worried about our puppy getting the baby birds when they started to fly! All was well though! There will be more blocks, but I design as I sew, so we will see how it all comes out soon! Here is a little peak! It will be offered as wool appliqué on cotton background, and as cotton appliqué also, as I'm practicing needle turn! A kitty just laid down on my block though, so it will be a real sneak peak! Lol! Maybe you can help me name the quilt!
Have a wonderful Labor Day!

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